Dietro l'obiettivo. Fotografe italiane 1965-2018
03 May 2019 – The exhibition "Dietro l’obiettivo. Fotografe italiane 1965-2018", curated by Alessandra Capodacqua, organized as part of BRESCIA PHOTO FESTIVAL 2019 III EDITION, offers a selection of photographs and photo books from the Collection Donata Pizzi. 
Unique in its genre in Italy, the collection is composed of works created by over seventy authors belonging to different generations and expressive environments: from the pioneering works of Paola Agosti, Letizia Battaglia, Lisetta Carmi, Elisabetta Catalano, Carla Cerati, Paola Mattioli, Marialba Russo, to the latest experiments conducted between the nineties and 2018 by Marina Ballo Charmet, Silvia Camporesi, Monica Carocci, Gea Casolaro, Martina Cirese, Paola Di Bello, Luisa Lambri, Raffaella Mariniello, Luana Wojazeck Perilli, Moira Ricci, Alessandra Spranzi, Sofia Uslenghi, Alba Zari and many others.   
The work of many Italian photographers is still to be discovered and, above all, to be enhanced: the works of the Donata Pizzi Collection bear witness to significant moments in Italian photography over the last fifty years; through the pioneering work of photographers of different generations, the conceptual, aesthetic and technological changes that have characterized photography in our country emerge.   
The centrality of the body and its transformations, the need to give voice to personal instances and to daily and family life, the relationship between private and collective memory are the key themes that emerge from the exhibition and link together images belonging to various decades and genres, from reportage photos to those more markedly experimental.   
The exhibition is open beyond the days of the festival until September 8th, 2019.      
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