03.05 2019
Dietro l'obiettivo. Fotografe italiane 1965-2018
The exhibition "Dietro l’obiettivo. Fotografe italiane 1965-2018", curated by Alessandra Capodacqua, organized as part of BRESCIA PHOTO FESTIVAL 2019 III ED...
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12.04 2019
Design-Re. Istituto Italiano di Fotografia
"Design-RE" work in progress The faces of national and international design in the photographs of photographers of the Italian Institute of Photography ...
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08.03 2019
Woman. Magazzini Fotografici
On March 8th at 19:00, at the same opening of Who Knows what's going on in the ladies parlour: Chapter two, we'll open the exhibition of the new edition of #s...
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29.06 2018
Rotte di collisione. Ragusa Foto Festival 2018
On exhibition among the young authors will be Maddalena Migliore, special mention for portfolio review RFF 2017 with the project Rise Up!, which tells the sto...
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16.06 2018
Manifesta 12
Upcoming exhibition! Tania Bruguera in collaboration with Artists against Muos will be present at Manifesta Biennial with a multimedia exhibition regar...
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08.06 2018
8 June >2 September 2018Palazzo delle Esposizioni displays more than 200 photographs and photographic books from the Donata Pizzi Collection, an extensive archi...
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08.09 2017
Rise up! @ Gazebook Speakers' Corner Market
Save the date: Friday 8th september, h: 19.00 Piazza Concordia, Punta Secca (RG) - Rise up! will be presented at Gazebook for Speakers' Corner Market   We wil...
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08.09 2017
IL TUTTO È MAGGIORE DELLA SOMMA DELLE SUE PARTIFotografie dalla collezione Donata Pizzi It is always wonderful to know the reason driving the crea...
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03.09 2017
Gazebook - Sicily Photobook Festival - 3rd edition - 8-9-10 september 2017 - Punta Secca (RG)
Gazebook is a cultural event founded in 2015 by Melissa Carnemolla, Teresa Bellina and Simone Sapienza. The event aims to promote photography especially in form...
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01.01 2016
Twinw portfolio
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